The Greek neofascismo in documents top-secret of the Intelligence agencies

ISBN: 960-8318-06-8

The introduced book and gives:
Dr. Guido Salvini
Prof. Louis Godart
Dr. Gianni Cipriani

Βιβλιοπωλείο ΠΡΩΤΟΠΟΡΙΑ Bookcase "Protoporia"


Dr. Guido Salvini
Judge of Milan.

Prof. Louis Godart
Professor to the University of Naples, Councilman of the Ciampi President.

Dr. Gianni Cipriani
Essayist and Adviser of the Commission parliamentarian of inquiry on the massacres.

Index of the book

The translation of the witnesses in Italian e' be from the filologo Dot.ssa Margherita Salvato.

The PRESENTATION of the book to Rome
29 May 2003 - French School of Rome (Public square Navona 62 - Rome)

For the book TERRORISM PHENOMENA - the Greek neofascismo in documents top-secret of the Intelligence agencies , has written:

KATHIMERINIdomenica, 5 aprile 2009
Quello che rimane dal fango
...i documenti provengono dalla ricerca... il libro per i rapporti di Plevris con i neofascisti italiani...

  • Universita' Aristitelica di Salonico
    Universita' Aristitelica di Salonico

    University of Macedonian

    Library Veria


    Giornale ELEUTEROTYPIA16 gennaio 2005
    1. LEGGETE: Nikos Klitsikas, Andrea Sperazioni, «Fenomeni di terrorismo»...
    2. Plevris brucia Karatzaferi. Plevris ha considerato che il libro di Nikos Klitsikas "Il movimento studentesco greco in Italia e la sua lotta contro la dittatura greca" offende la sua personalita' e il 2001 ha esposto denunzia al autore per risancire 34 milioni di euro...
    3. Una sentnza giudiziaria dei giudici per la denunzia di Plevris contro il libro di Nikos Klitsikas... che protegge la liberta'...

    IOS: 16 gennaio 2005 Un poco estremisti di destra?

    "Accade in Sicilia" giornale d'informazione civile, a cura di Carlo Ruta
    «Fenomeni di terrorismo»..., di Andrea Sperazioni e Nikos Klitsikas...

    "PATRIS" Il quotidiano di Creta
    Il nuovo libro... parla anche del nostro Manolis Karakonstantakis...

    Newspaper "TA NEA" (17/4/2004) "COURIER"
    UMBERTO GIOVINE: the pirata one that it has fought the Greek military committee.
    ... come in Greece for the presentation of the book "TERRORISM PHENOMENA"...

    Theatre ALFA * Lineos - Fotiou

    Newspaper ELEYTHEROTYPIA, EPSILON 6 July 2003:
    The first marble comes. Labbiamo met to Rome...

    Newspaper TA NEA, 21 june 2003:
    Discussing for European alliance: e' state introduced in Italy (Proskinio editions) the book of Andrea Speranzoni and Nikos Klitsikas "Phenomena of Terrorism", which it reveals documents of the intelligence agencies...

    Newspaper TA NEA, 7,8 june 2003:
    Book - document for the common action of Italians and fascist Greeks during period 1967 - 1974, but also after the fall of the dictatorship. The book with tito it "Phenomena of terrorism" of the Italian historian?ndrea Speranzoni and the historical Greek Nikos Klitsikas (editions Proskinio- Angelos Sideratos) describes the incredible history of is gone communicating of the two countries in the first phase of dictatorship (1967-74) continued also after the fall of the regimen, with end hour ignote consequences.

    Newspaper Rizospastis, 3 june 2003:
    "Proskinio" has introduced the book of Nikos Klitsikas & Andrea Speranzoni "TERRORISM PHENOMENA...

    Newspaper AVRIANI, 7 / 4 / 2003:
    The book detector for the Greek neofascismo.

    The Greek neofascismo in documents top-secret of the Intelligence agencies...

    Editoria, Mass media e Comunicazione, Weekly magazine of information:

    Introduced to Rome, near the French School, in Public square Navona 62, the book of Nikos Klitsikas and Andrea Speranzoni "Phenomena of terrorism, the Greek neofascismo in documents top-secret of the Intelligence agencies", proposed from the publishing house Proskino di Angelos Sideratos...

    Dr. Guido Salvini

    Prof. Louis Godart

    Dr. Gianni Cipriani

    Dr. Andrea Speranzoni (autore del libro)

    The Italian judge Salvini speaks to Chania' today about the craftsmen
    Detections today on the bombs of the '70
    The Italian judge makes light on the ties between Greek and Italian intelligence agencies, dictatorship of the colonels and Italian Fascists (with the consent at least of the NATO) in years ' 60 and ' 70. The judge, than between the other has competition to the decline of groups of skillful extreme in Italy and has participated to the last ones makes itself of the process against the Red Brigades, today prendera' part alla presentation of the book of the historian Nikos Klitsikas "the Greek student movement in Italy and the fight against the dictatorship of the colonels", in good part of which, with impressive documentation, he comes revealed the role of the Greek intelligence agencies and the Greek dictatorship in the training and the operations of the Italian neofascisti.

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