ISBN: 960-8318-06-8
Bookcase "Protoporia"
Dr. Guido Salvini Judge of Milan. Prof. Louis Godart Professor to the University of Naples, Councilman of the Ciampi President. Dr. Gianni Cipriani Essayist and Adviser of the Commission parliamentarian of inquiry on the massacres. Index of the book The translation of the witnesses in Italian e' be from the filologo Dot.ssa Margherita Salvato.
Prof. Louis Godart Professor to the University of Naples, Councilman of the Ciampi President. Dr. Gianni Cipriani Essayist and Adviser of the Commission parliamentarian of inquiry on the massacres. Index of the book The translation of the witnesses in Italian e' be from the filologo Dot.ssa Margherita Salvato.
Dr. Gianni Cipriani Essayist and Adviser of the Commission parliamentarian of inquiry on the massacres. Index of the book The translation of the witnesses in Italian e' be from the filologo Dot.ssa Margherita Salvato.
Index of the book
The translation of the witnesses in Italian e' be from the filologo Dot.ssa Margherita Salvato.