"...And however to continue to call freedom the freedom,murder the murder, guilt the guilt, with the stubbornness of crowds thatdigs with nails its name on the wall "
Nikos Klitsikas
Nikos Klitsikas (Atene 1956) e' graduated in History and archaeology to the University of Naples.Still student, it has begun to take care of politics (Confederation of the Greek students in Italy, international Alloy for the rights and the liberation of thepeople, international Office of the (C.G.I.L.) the Feder-Mediterranean,of history and archaeology (archaeological diggings withprof. Louis Godart. He is candidate doctor-professor in the Panteio University Social and Political Sciences, Department of Communication of Means and Culture. It worked in Italy for political elections (9, 10 April 2006), in the staff of Thetacom Ltd for the Policy of Strategic Communication of centre-left alliance Unione (Romano Prodi).Today e' member of many associations and scientific-cultural organizations in Greece and to the foreign country.
«Italian Political Elections 2006»
Cuma - KymiThe first Greek colony in the West Cinematographic documentary Historicocultural distance from the origins of the civilta' European to the new millenium